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Robotic Storage Tank Cleaning

ChemKleen has reinforced its position as the leader in providing Solutions for Tank Cleaning. With the introduction of ChemKleen’s Cutting Edge Robotics Technology (CERT) Tank Cleaning System. By using the most advanced technology and engineering with Chemkleen’s constantly expanding technology and knowledge base, ChemKleen consistently exceeds our clients needs and consistently provides the Solutions for our customers challenges.

ChemKleen’s Cutting Edge Robotics Technology (CERT) Tank Cleaning System is the Innovate technology the Tank Cleaning Industry has been missing. CERT allows ChemKleen Technicians and Engineers the ability to Safely and Swiftly clean and degas Storage Tanks.  ChemKleen’s Cutting Edge Robotics Technology (CERT) Tank Cleaning System allows ChemKleen Technicians and Engineers the ability to service our clients Storage Tanks while they are In-Service and with Product still in them. ChemKleen’s Customers are amazed that they are still able to continue their normal course of business as their Storage Tanks are being Cleaned and Inspected.  The Storage Tanks bottom plates are cleaned as they are being UT Inspected during the cleaning process.

Robotic Storage Tank Cleaning

Some components of the Cutting-Edge Robotics Technology (CERT) Tank Cleaning System Includes remotely operated Rovers equipped with the ability to magnetically climb the interior and exterior Storage Tanks Shells, Bottom Plate and Roofs providing valuable Non-Destructive Testing Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements. CERT units are remotely controlled, adding another layer of safety for ChemKleen and Client Personnel with 24/7 Class 1 Div. 1 Rover Units, Video Cameras, Lights and UT Equipment. CERT units are equipped with Stainless Steel Sludge Cutting Teeth and Suction Assembly that are attached to ChemKleen’s Portable Vacuum Units ensuring that the sludge/contaminants are removed for disposal safe with minimal personnel interaction. With preprogramed and customisable cleaning cycles along with continuous atmospheric monitoring, ensuring that no Storage Tank is to large to be serviced.

Some situations where Cutting Edge Robotics Technology (CERT) Tank Cleaning System can be applied to:

  1. Storage Tanks and Piping that are still In-Use and Online can now be Safely, Reliably and Quickly Cleaned without the need of Manned Entry.
  2. Storage Tanks that have been damaged or are unsafe for manned entry, using CERT there is now a safe, reliable and quick option for Cleaning and Inspection.
  3. Preparing Storage Tanks that have high LEL (Lower Explosion Limits) levels, BTX (Benzene, Toluene and Xylene), toxic gases and chemicals for cleaning and ensuring that they are safe for entry.
  4. CERT is capable of being used in High Temperature Hydrocarbon and Aqueous Situations to aid in Storage Tank Cleaning
  5. CERT is adaptable to numerous cleaning situations.

The Advantages of using ChemKleen’s Cutting Edge Robotics Technology (CERT) Tank Cleaning System Include:

  1. Storage Tanks and Piping can be left in use and online if necessary, during the cleaning process,
  2. Health and Safety is prioritised due to personnel not having to enter or be exposed to Hazardous Environments.
  3. Waste is extremely reduced as the waste removed from the Storage Tanks (Water, Sludge, Rust, Microbial, Particulate, Etc.) is Filtered and Treated, then the cleaned product is returned to the Storage Tank all in a Closed Loop System.
  4. Online, Continuous Video, Atmospheric and Equipment Vitals monitoring of the cleaning process for Personnel, Environmental and Facilities Protection.
  5. Modular and Scalable units. The perfect Solution for difficult to clean Situations and Environments.
  6. The Risk is Eliminated in situations of Damaged Storage Tanks and Where Personnel entry would be unsafe.
  7. CERT units can be used in Environmentally Sensitive, Highly populated and/or Restricted or Secured Areas.
  8. Intrinsically Safe equipment with highly trained and experienced Technicians.
  9. Small footprint and extremely fast and easy commissioning and decommissioning.
  10. Cost Effective, Safe, Efficient cleaning process.
  11. Can be shipped at a moment notice by Truck, Plane, Train, Ship, Helicopter or Commercial Airplane because the CERT units are modular, scalable and extremely safe for transport. This allows for International Deployment on the Shortest of Notice.